Legendary action “IT-Vacation” has returned in a new format! Meet the new, more interesting career guidance project – “Prof-Vacation”!

By popular requests, career guidance project of Association “Education for Future” will be held in the upcoming autumn break: from 5 to 7 November 2019.


1) informal, informative and useful lectures from professionals who have reached success and won the coolest tops in their professional fields;

2) master classes by real masters who already know, how to do, and teach you too;

3) unique excursions in Minsk offices of successful companies: staff show where they work, tell you what they do and how interesting their work is.

The big secret: Now excursions will be held not only in IT-companies.

All lectures, excursions and master classes are absolutely free.


We invite a group of schoolchildren from 8 to 11 classes (up to 20 people in a group, with a teacher or parent), as well as college students not only from Minsk, but also from other cities of Belarus.

Activities in the framework of “Prof-Vacation” may be interesting to teens with various interests. Things which are most important for us, are your motivation, openness to new experience and a sincere desire to orient yourself in the world of professions.

Each day the project proposes various combinations of these formats (lectures, excursions or workshops):

➤ an excursion (morning) + lectures (afternoon);

➤ two excursions in one day;

➤ an excursions + a master class in one day.

Everything will depend on the interests of the group and the number of groups that chose one day or another to participate: 5th, 6th or 7th of November.

In addition, Association “Education for Future” invites companies, representing different spheres of activities, and their employees to participate in “Prof-Vacation”: you can make an excursion to your office for students from different parts of Belarus, to tell them about your profession, to give advice, thereby making the profession social attractive. To leave your application for participation, please contact us by email .


To participate in the “Prof-Vacation” you should until October 20, 2019 leave the group or individual application by filling out the following online questionnaire. Individual visit to “Prof-Vacation” will be organized together with a particular group.

The questionnaire must contain a motivation letter by the whole group (or individual motivation letter for individual application): students should tell why they would like to become project participants, what they would like to learn and discover.

The participants of “Prof-Vacation” are selected on a competitive basis.

➤ The selection focuses on a motivation letter: it should be written by the students independently, convincingly and it should truthfully show interest in participating.

➤ In addition, preference is given to students from state institutions of general secondary education and non-profit organizations, because students from state institutions still have less opportunities than students of private schools.

If the group successfully passed the selection, then our coordinator will contact with you to discuss the details (no earlier than October 25).

Come to your first “Prof-Vacation”!