The Association “Education for Future” and a Belarusian-British company Gismart have opened the first belarusian STEAM-center with Art-orientation in Dubrovno secondary school No. 2. The opening ceremony was held on May 29, 2019.

At the end of last year secondary school No. 2 became a winner of the competition “I want to study in STEM-class!”. This school is among ten schools on the basis of which STEM centers are being created this year.

Taking into account the interests of pupils of the school, as well as the profile of the trustee company Gismart, which specializes in creating music entertainment apps and games, the main focus of the Dubrovno center is determined: it is not just a STEM center, but a STEAM center with an emphasis on Art-component.

As part of the opening ceremony schoolchildren prepared a “robotic concert”. Children demonstrated the results of their first STEAM project: robots that can distinguish colors and “translate” them into sounds, as well as a dance routine, a music track to which was created using the latest digital technologies.

The interaction between pupils of the STEAM center in Dubrovno and Gismart is not limited with creating of the center. Gismart has talented musicians, designers, producers, videographers, programmers who can share their expertise with schoolchildren, organize master classes and invite the best STEAM-students to the company's office in order to give everyone the opportunity to try out the acquired skills in business.

Gismart has already launched an original project “Orchestra of Robots”. As part of this project children studying at Dubrovno STEAM-center will get acquainted with modern classical music, create their own melody, and this summer will teach the “orchestral team” of robots to perform this melody. The project curator is an experienced musician and conductor Maria Kolesnikova (Stuttgart, Germany). The project start and the first master class from Maria Kolesnikova already took place on June 3 in the office of Gismart. The work will continue in the STEAM-center.

Photo: Vladimir Dobriyan