For teachers and students of Rassvet Secondary School (Kletsk district, Belarus) the first day of October 2019 was the second “Knowledge day” in the school year. On this day, STEM-center for free classes in STEM areas was opened here.

The history of Rassvet Secondary School is not similar to the history of other schools where STEM-centers were opened. The class, equipped with modern techniques for robotics and programming, had been appeared here even before the creation of the STEM-center, in April 2019. Then the students wrote letters to Belarusian IT companies and asked for help in creating this class. Many companies responded – and, it should be said, the guys from the village school did not let their trust down. Rassvet schoolchildren have victories in robotics competitions, a significant percentage of the school graduates enter universities.

The director of Visor Games Sergey Brui also responded to the children's letter. Sergey Brui, seeing the director’s involvement and the children’s enthusiasm, decided to provide the school with sponsorship for STEM-center creation. The project was implemented in collaboration with the Association “Education for Future”, which provided organizational assistance in STEM-class opening for Rassvet children.

On October 1, 2019, the opening of the STEM-center was attended by representatives of Visor Games and Association “Education for Future”: Director of Visor Games Sergey Brui, Corporate Social Responsibility Projects specialist Olga Mikhed, Chairman of the Association “Education for Future” Dmitry Gursky, Director of the Association Alexander Khomich and Project Manager Barbara Zlobina. Schoolchildren held a flash mob and gave a presentation of their interest group “Robotics and Scratch Programming”.

The administration and teachers of the general secondary education institution see their task in attracting children and adolescents from other nearby settlements to STEM-center.

The ceremonial event ended with a working meeting of Vizor Games representatives, Association “Education for Future” representatives, administration and teachers of the Rassvet school. The participants of the round table discussed further educational strategies for the development of the STEM-center and the prospects for cooperation between the school, the Association and Visor Games.

Photo: Elizaveta Pribytkova (Visor Games)